Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Summer solstice sunset

On the longest day of the year Alice, Christian, Anat and Bobby and I
met at the beach. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm. There was a
slight breeze. We sat on the sand and talked while the sun dropped below
the mountain. Bobby played his guitar in concert with the rush of the
waves. I drew figures in the sand and listened. Christian smiled and
agreed to try boogy boarding. Alice and I took pictures and shared hug
warmth as the temperature dropped to San Francisco range.
After calming our minds in nature we calmed our bellies at Swingers
Restaurant in Santa Monica.

There is something to be said for the beauty of nature and friendly

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Mo and I went to Pinks for dinner before her show yesterday. I go two
chili & cheese dogs with a strawberry soft drink. Pinks is supposed to
be the best dogs in L.A. I was dissapointed. The chili was dry and hard
to swallow and the dog was just a dog. If I go there again I'll have to
get a special like the 3 dog night or the poli-chili-tamali. Well
something more exotic than just a chili dog. I do have to say it was fun
looking at all the autographed photos on the wall and trying to count
how many were repeats.
After eating we picked up Alice and went to the acme theater where mo
was performing. My lady and I worked the box office. I have to say it
was nice doing a job that doesn't involve having to network and scramble
for clients. The Zen of being a cashier was nice. If only someone could
actually make enough to survive doing it. The show was good. I have seen
a lot of improv in my time and I know how bad it can be. This was pretty
good, definately better than mo was telling us it would be.
I am waiting to see mr and mrs smith. I'll let you know waht I think in
a later installment.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Leo Carrillo tide pools

We are here at the beach and unfortunately low tide today isn't really
low enough to get the full effect. But, we did spy some shore crabs as
well as pearl crabs. It is slightly windy and alice is always chilly so
here she is in her coat at the sunny beach. I'm not much better in my
black sweatshirt and jeans. Are we city people or what? We picked up
some picnic food before our drive here so now is the time when we eat.
Chow for now(pun intended).

Friday, June 03, 2005

Some beast in a Sunbeam

I thought she was too cute to pass up sharing her vicious tranquility.

Oh! I love my pretty little flower.

Went to the flower market yesterday with Alice and Christian. Apparently it is the largest market in the U.S.. C goes regularly and buys lilies
and gardenias and orchids. We just got a couple bright orange gerber
daisies. After the flower market we went to buy young coconuts (9 for
$5) but they were out until next week. Darn. C usually gets 3 cases for
himself and we get 1 or 2 for us. I think my favorite part to having a
young coconut is using the cleaver to open it. WHAM WHAM WHAM yummy.
I dropped A and C off so they could work and took our dasies home. I got
them in a pitcher full of h2o and on the table. I go into the office to
find some wood glue to fix C's kitchen drawer and the beast runs to the
table and ...well you can imagine the mess. Water everywhere and flowers
allover the table. I love her but she is too ferocious for her own good.
She is in a sunbeam right now being horribly cute. Well I gotta run
alice to work @ C's. Ttfn.